For pentesters

Open souce week

Summary of open source tools of the week

I dedicated this week (from february 06th to february 10th 2023) to present opensource tools in coordination with penetration testing, below is the summary:

Tool 1 : crackmapexec
Usage: Enumeration, cve detection

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Tool 2 : Jok3r
Usage: Automation of network infrastructure and web black-box security tests tool.

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Tool 3 : IntelSpy
Usage: Automation of network services enumeration

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Tool 4 : WinPwn
Usage: Automation of reconnaissance and exploitation in windows system

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Tool 5 : WES-NG
Usage: Windows privilege escalation enumeration

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Thanks to people who liked, commented and shared the different posts, I am so grateful to you.

See you soon, for another serie of posts for pentester.

#offensivesecurity #penetrationtesting #pentesters #opensource #activedirectory #enumeration #exploitation #webexploitation #blackbox #smb #mssql #winrm #ldap #ssh

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About the author


Offensive Security Experienced Penetration Tester (OSEP)
Offensive Security Web Expert (OSWE)
Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP)
Certified Soc Analyst (CSA)
Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
Web Developer

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